The day to day account of how the majority of my waking hours are spent here in the great state of Alabama. - UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL PHOTOS ARE COPYRIGHT Jonathan Moral - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED THIS IS MY OLD BLOG - MY CURRENT BLOG IS LOCATED AT:
Thursday, January 06, 2005
Blog Archive
- They were stiff.
- Is it my turn yet?
- More #20 Home Depot car pictures
- The car gets hauled around in this trailer. Very n...
- SERIOUS brakes.
- These huge blowers with hoses attached are to cool...
- There's nothing "stock" about a stock car.
- Can you say AIRFLOW?
- The cockpit view from the passenger "window".
- Cold, wet - but it's nice and warm inside!
- Vroom! Vroom!
- The REAL deal.
- Another week older...
- Here's an article I found that would be appropriat...
- Whole lotta' runnin' around.
- Lesa joined me and had a drink while I ate dinner....
- Here's Kathy, the bartender at Simp's. She's prett...
- Fight! Fight! Fight!
- Rick, a drumming buddy of mine from up in Massachu...
- More snow.
- Snow.
- I actually worked here?!?!
- A clear day!
- Laid back kind of day.
- Check out the size of my big, chubby... lens.
- Just to kill time...
- Enough with the eating out already...
- No weirdness today.
- "The Urinator"
- Um, is that guy... yup, he is.
- Busy!
- There's just not enough drama...
- My little girl Kelsey.
- It's cold again.
- Yeah I'm concerned.
- There is a slight possibility...
- Hooters.
- Not a whole lot happenin...
- Nice end to a weekend.
- Jo, sound guru and aspiring vocal artist.
- I'm a *little* tired.
- Jack, meet Kira... LOL
- Me and Kira showing off our stunning dental work.
- Kerry on his Ludwigs in full Village People headress.
- Kira up on a table doing her thing...
- The beginning of funny stuff. Me and Lori groping.
- Slight improvement.
- A sad little girl...
- Much improved.
- Biggest scare in a LONG time.
- Squeaky clean.
- There's the groove. I think I'll get back into it.
- Are you SURE it's January?
- First post of 2005
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