The day to day account of how the majority of my waking hours are spent here in the great state of Alabama. - UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL PHOTOS ARE COPYRIGHT Jonathan Moral - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED THIS IS MY OLD BLOG - MY CURRENT BLOG IS LOCATED AT:

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Whew! VBC gig is DONE!

First off, a HUGE thanks to Philip H. for letting us use his PA system. Next, a HUGE thanks to Kira for getting our in-ear mix and FOH mix pretty much right from the start. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Got an early start to my Saturday when I IM'd Dana and found out she was heading to Wal-Mart. It was 6:30am and I needed to go so now was a great time! We'd beat the crowds for sure. Threw some laundry in the washer then she swung by and picked me up. I was back home 45 minutes later with all my stuff and ready to get more things done. I accomplished a lot so at 10:00am I rewarded myself by going back to bed for a while longer.

Philip showed up with the trailer and we loaded up all the drum gear I was bringing tonight... it was a LOT as usual. Met up at the church with Jack and then eventually (hehe) Kevin. Made our way to the Von Braun Center without incident. It was especially cool that we could pull right into the hall we were performing in... pulled right up to the stage! That brought the hassle factor WAY down for the loading and unloading. About an hour later, we were sound checking.

Okay, this was the largest room we've ever played in... Kira had my drums ROCKIN. And I mean BIG TIME. I also got a chance to swap my kick mic out for my Shure Beta 91. Simply amazing. Philip and I (we shared an in-ear mix) were just floored with how great things sounded. I think it was pretty obvious I was thrilled with how everything sounded.

I peeked into the hockey game for a moment to check things out. Hunger took over though and I picked up some pizza and a drink then headed back to the stage. Pretty much stayed there till we got going. I could see too well from where I was on stage but we had a decent sized group there which was encouraging. It would have been nice to have more of course but we were thankful for what we had. Thank you to all who came out! Thanks also to those that helped set up and tear down.

Going to post some pics then hit the sack. Got to play again in the morning.

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