The day to day account of how the majority of my waking hours are spent here in the great state of Alabama. - UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL PHOTOS ARE COPYRIGHT Jonathan Moral - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED THIS IS MY OLD BLOG - MY CURRENT BLOG IS LOCATED AT:

Friday, February 13, 2004


Was busy as a 10 yr. old in one of Kathie Lee-Gifford's sweatshops today. Got plenty of stuff done at the office. The shipment of equipment I sent out yesterday arrived unscathed in Illinois and the tech for Newark showed up but he was running about 20 mins. behind. Everyone was calling my office, my cell, and my pager freaking out. You can't imagine how uptight people get when you schedule something requiring multiple resources. I jumped all over the tech for his tardiness and he apologized. Heh.

Ate lunch with Bernie today for our (almost) weekly Atl. Bread Co./CompUSA trip. Ran into heavy E, his mate and his larvae there eating some grub. Place was packed out. Nothing new at CompUSA but Bernie was scoping out some hard drives. He's almost done with a really nice office he's put together in his basement room. Here's the rub though, he broadband isn't available at HIS house... but it is at his neighbors. How bad does THAT suck? There's hope. A new subdivision is going in down the steet from him. Surely they'll find a way to cover the area with access. We'll see.

After work, I picked up some of my laundry at the cleaners then headed home. I was tired from all the stuff during the day. I took a short nap then went out to pick up some food at Captain D's. As usual, there's a cluster there and I was in the drive through about 20 mins. When I was paying at the window, someone had just pulled up to order and was tripping out over the wait. He was NOT happy. The employees were scurrying over to turn the volume down as he was expressing his displeasure at the wait. I was entertained.

Exchanged some email with my folks today. They will be coming home from the mission field soon for a short break as they take some time off and visit a lot of the churches that support them. I'm looking forward to seeing them of course, but the fact that I'll literally be "living with my parents" for awhile is going to be awkward. Eh, Kyle still does it. I should be able to handle it. ;-)

Gonna relax and watch some tube this evening. I need to turn my brain off for a bit. It hurts.

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