The day to day account of how the majority of my waking hours are spent here in the great state of Alabama. - UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL PHOTOS ARE COPYRIGHT Jonathan Moral - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED THIS IS MY OLD BLOG - MY CURRENT BLOG IS LOCATED AT:

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Progress at last!

All has been relatively quiet today. My director was in the office today doing what she could to stem the river of crap usually flowing in my direction. Actually, I get continually interrupted at the office making it hard to concentrate on things. A lot of what I do would be easier if I could have peace and quiet to think through things and develop solutions instead of simply reacting to everything that comes down the pike.

With that said, I've completed some procedural documentation to off-load some of my more mundane tasks to the 1st level tech-support people. That should free me up a bit from a predominantly repetitive time consuming ordeal. Now I'm putting together a spreadsheet enableing me to keep a closer eye on my profit margins. In the past, I usually had to rely on quarterly reports to see where things stood. Soon though, I'll be able to look on a week to week basis and hopefully be able to take corrective measures sooner.

In other news, I met up with Kevin and his larvae at KFC for some bird. I also passed a CD along to him with the majority of the Crosspoint related pictures I had for a project he's working on. Then I headed next door to the storage place to meet the dudes from the rescue mission to donate old furniture to them. I gave them my crap, they gave me a receipt and now I have a virtually empty storage area. I've still got a few boxes in there that I may want to keep but for the most part I can throw a lot of that stuff away.

Going to continue working up until time to head to band practice this evening.

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