The day to day account of how the majority of my waking hours are spent here in the great state of Alabama. - UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL PHOTOS ARE COPYRIGHT Jonathan Moral - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED THIS IS MY OLD BLOG - MY CURRENT BLOG IS LOCATED AT:

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Friday Funk

Why I scheduled so many appointments on a Friday is beyond me. Several meetings looked very promising so at least it's not a wasted effort. Got a big photo shoot at the end of next week so I'm needing to get all that arranged to be sure I have locations and talent for the shots. I'll be back in Florence on Monday to re-shoot a photo or two for a client there.

Took Stephanie to lunch today over at Westside Grill. I'm involved in a project for her organization. After eating, I swung by the Joe Muggs for a mocha before going back to the office. One suprising thing is that I was talking about my trip to Indy for the Formula 1 race earlier this year. She asked "Isn't that the one where only 4 cars started?" Whoa. I was amazed she knew that.

Stayed home tonight as I had that "feeling" you get when you're about to be sick with a cold or something. Like I've mentioned before, I don't get sick very often but when I do, it's usually during the season change when temperatures go from hot to cold or vice versa. I'm feeling a little better now so maybe I'll be okay. I sure hope so. All I know is that staying in tonight was better than sitting in a smoke-filled room for a few hours.

I watched qualifying for the Japanese Grand Prix tonight. Very rainy session which really makes the starting grid kinda weird. It should make for an interesting race though.

This was the weekend I was supposed to go deep sea fishing with a few friends. Due to the hurricanes, the trip was cancelled. I need to plan on taking some time off soon as I really haven't had a proper vacation this year.

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