If you visit my blog regularly, you'll notice I changed up my template. The one I had been using just got old. Unlike the last time I did this, I saved the text file for my old template so I could just cut and paste things missing in the new template from the old. I like the way it looks better now. I've got something else in the works also but it involves me working a good bit in UNIX... not my favorite activity since I only know and do a very limited amount of stuff on that platform. I'll let you know when that's ready for public consumption though.
Church was good today. More of an informative "State of the Flock" message. We've come along way for sure from our days of meeting in a rented hotel ballroom to where we are now. I think we started off with 22 people attending when we moved into our current building and now we hit 112 today! That's exciting! There's plenty to be done to accommodate the growth so I'm sure we'll all be busy in some form or another pitching in to help.
Small group for lunch today. Initially there were going to be a few families going but as is becoming more the norm, they can't get their poop in a group to go. Plus, it's a hassle to have to talk to both spouses to get them to agree on where to go. Ok... guess I'm just peeved that I waited a long time for a table to accomodate everyone (which is natural for noon on a Sunday) when I could have sat down immediately at a table for the eventual 3-person group.
Congratulations to Mary (one of my blog links on the right) for surviving her first night as a waitress over in the Phoenix area. Hopefully, patrons will take care of her and she'll like it. I'm sure she'll be posting how it's coming along.
Oh, ran across THIS BLOG in my surfing. It's authored by a couple traveling around the world. They make thir posts regularly and with pictures making it seem like you are traveling along with them. Very cool. I'll add them on my links as well so they're easy to find.
The day to day account of how the majority of my waking hours are spent here in the great state of Alabama. - UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL PHOTOS ARE COPYRIGHT Jonathan Moral - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED THIS IS MY OLD BLOG - MY CURRENT BLOG IS LOCATED AT: http://blog.jonathanmoral.com
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Blog Archive
- Reader's Digest version of my day
- All done!
- 2 Down
- Just as I predicted.
- More HNT participants...
- I have come to realize...
- You GO Mel!
- Got the electric bill today
- WHOA! 70's flashback.
- It's broiling outside...
- Off the dock they go!
- Family time...
- One end of the food table!
- I was actually IN a picture thanks to Jared. It wa...
- Ribs, chicken, corn... mmmmm.... you could smell t...
- Some like it hot
- Home at last.
- Half-Naked Thursday is here!!!
- Ahhhh....
- UNIX blues
- Here's an idea that needs promoting.
- Thank God for Air Conditioning
- Freshening up
- Sound stuff...
- The Perfect Margarita
- Components for tonight's excercise.
- Hmmm... looks like rain again.
- Yeah, we're pretty goofy.
- Sup party people in the place to be...
- Bloggity-do-dah
- Soggy in the valley...
- Here comes the rain!
- Do you NOT know how to drive?!?!
- Shooting one-handed, this newly released butterfly...
- And in envelopes like this!
- The butterflies come in this box...
- Alyssa sets a few butterflies free.
- Dennis Jimenez
- First Hump Day of July.
- Rain on, rain off.
- After work drinks today.
- A typical scene repeated all over the country toda...
- Tim A. manning the he-man fire pit.
- Happy 4th!
- A vision of the future? E posing with Phillips sup...
- MixMaster E on the soundboard yesterday morning.
- Kyle making up a new part for a solo that he's not...
- Birthday boy Phillip gets his strings cleaned off ...
- Collective Soul
- Let's see here...
- Already rollin'
Thank you for the well wishes, sweetie - and I do like this template, too.
You're welcome! Take care girl.
need to tell people that all that talking we do after church for 30-45 minutes can be done over a plate of hot food...
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