The day to day account of how the majority of my waking hours are spent here in the great state of Alabama. - UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL PHOTOS ARE COPYRIGHT Jonathan Moral - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED THIS IS MY OLD BLOG - MY CURRENT BLOG IS LOCATED AT:

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

"Hey! I'm finished looking at it."

Had to use that line at lunch today on Rochelle. She joined up with Kay and I at Logan's. After she sat down beside me, she was chompin on peanuts and was turned so that she could drop the shells on the floor next to the booth. The way she was sitting, her hindquarters were positioned in way that would someone who was saying "look at my butt tattoo" would sit. Anyway, I said the above and the told her "Look sista, once you've sold it, you don't have to keep sellin it". We were all rollin with laughter. After several more inappropriate comments, we found ourselves eating free desserts provided to us by a buddy in management over there. A fun way to spend lunch I'll tell ya. Oh, ran in to Jack S. there as well. Looks like a trip to the shooting range may be out of the question for him this weekend. On the other hand, he IS excited about the opportunity to play at the VBCC gig.

I was suprisingly busy today trying to handle meetings and addressing a few IT issues that cropped up. I did have some server weirdness as the XServer somehow "lost" it's connection (via firewire) to the tape backup system. I rebooted the server and tape drive and all seemed to go back to normal. I'll have to look through the server logs in detail tomorrow to see if I can find anything that would indicate what caused this.

Static IP's are of the devil. Just thought I'd get that out of my system.

Oh, Lesa told me all about her new bike she picked up Saturday. Talk about nice... it's a full-suspension Cannondale. She, Lynn and Luke are trying to convince me to get a bike so I can join them. Dang... that's all I need. Another expensive hobby. You know me, I won't be on some Huffy Wal-Mart special... I'll have a Cannondale, Specialized or a Trek bike. Winter's coming up though so I probably won't get one this season. I would however be open to picking up a good used bike. Those will probably be more reasonable than a new one I'm sure.

My next door neighbor suprised me with a visit. This is the neighbor whose cat Kelsey did a Cuisinart on last year. (In case you missed that, short version: neighbors cat goes into my fenced back yard and leaves in a box courtesy of my dog) Apparently, his car and the car of a neighbor on the other side of him got broken into last night. It looks like they left their doors unlocked and someone simply opened them and went through the stuff on the inside. Some small items were taken but nothing valuable. Hmmm... I usually bring in all my stuff... iPod mainly, when I'm in for the night AND I lock my doors. Kelsey will probably wake me up if anyone comes near my car espcially since she sleeps on the porch a few feet away. I think I might leave the doors unlocked but arm my alarm tonight and see what fun ensues.

It does concern me that this sort of thing has happend right here where I live. You'd think people would just leave other people's stuff alone. Sigh.

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