The day to day account of how the majority of my waking hours are spent here in the great state of Alabama. - UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL PHOTOS ARE COPYRIGHT Jonathan Moral - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED THIS IS MY OLD BLOG - MY CURRENT BLOG IS LOCATED AT:

Monday, July 05, 2004

Yep.. a 3-day weekend's where it's at...

While floating in the pool today, I have come to the conclusion that a 3-day weekend is the presciption to alleviate the symptoms of work stress. Amazingly enough, I'm actually looking forward to going to work tomorrow. Of course, it could be Mr. Cuervo talking too... (whassup Jose'!)

Slept in a little this morning but finally reached operating temperature around 8:30 or so. Messed around a little then stepped out into an EXTREMELY HUMID day and gave Kelsey a bath. She seemed to enjoy the cool water. Since she's so well-behaved during bathtime and it only take about 10-15 minutes, I'll try harder to bathe her more frequently. I'm sure she'll appreciate that.

Printed out some of the photos from all the pics I took yesterday then got cleaned up to head over to Anderson Sr.'s house for grub: ribs, corn, beans, potato salad, hot dogs, etc. After eating, we inched our way to the comfortable chairs in the den and watched... Sponge Bob, Square Pants... for an HOUR. Some of the kids were watching the show so for some reason, no one took the initiative to change the channel. It wouldn't have mattered anyway, most of us had dozed off. The decision was made to move the fun to the pool so we all packed up our stuff and hit the pool for the remainder of the afternoon.

Had the usual Guad-squaddage and the requisite walk down the mall. I found some sale items at Dillard's that I picked up. Kev got something too. Kyle found some items at Parisian (see his blog for details) and Kev found something else to get at EB Games.

Got a busy week this week. John races this Friday so I hope that by then he has the high-speed miss issues sorted out. We'll see.

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