Got up to the church and set up my stuff. Everything went smoothly today except for a problem with a wireless mic. Donny got everything ironed out eventually and there were no major problems to speak of. Music and the message were good.
Afterwards, headed to Ruby's with Kev and Kailyn for some grub, then over to Office Depot to see what was on sale. Nothing there appealed to me and I only picked up some vlecro ties and a screen wiping thing. Check out the bookstore too before heading home. Ran into an old friend, Wendy and chit-chatted with her a little as I was leaving.
Went over to Kevin's later and hung out for awhile. Eli joined up later and we vegged on the couch and watched the tube most of the evening. Came home to finish up some laundry. Time for bed now. Another fun week at the office begins tomorrow. Yippee.
The day to day account of how the majority of my waking hours are spent here in the great state of Alabama. - UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL PHOTOS ARE COPYRIGHT Jonathan Moral - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED THIS IS MY OLD BLOG - MY CURRENT BLOG IS LOCATED AT:
Sunday, March 28, 2004
Blog Archive
- Another day down...
- This isn't natural.
- Standard Sunday
- Full house.
- Action packed week so far.
- Can I get some coffee first?!?
- Twistage... then relief.
- So much for frequent updates...
- Tuesday 2-day wrap-up and hypen-over-use.
- The weekend has past...
- The weekend at last!
- Midweek update.
- Monday, Monday...
- A very nice day!
- Wow. The 2004 Ferrari's are fast... and reliable.
- The weekend is here!
- Okay day overall.
- Wednesday already!
- A packed weekend...
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